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5 Reasons to Consider Hiring a Male Boudoir Photographer

Updated: Apr 16, 2022

Boudoir is an amazing experience. I believe in it to its core. While it is most common to have a woman photographer, I want to share a few reasons you should consider hiring a male boudoir photographer for your experience.

Men and women typically view women differently.

Ok, you’re probably thinking, “DUH!”, but understanding this concept and how it affects Boudoir Photography is important.

What men and women find beautiful or sexy is usually very different. If you’ve ever looked at Boudoir Portraits by a male photographer and compared them to those of a female photographer, you have probably seen a bit of a difference. In general, boudoir portraits by a male will probably be a bit more dramatic and edgy. This allows for the emotions behind the photo to really come through in the end result. Female boudoir photographers trend more toward the bright, soft, and reserved style. There is no right or wrong answer here. You should choose the photographer whose style fits yours but, be aware there is typically a difference.

Professionals, male OR female, are focused on the photo.

When I am photographing you, I’m not really looking at “you.” My mind is focused on about 12 other things at that moment. Hair, pose, light, aperture, shutter speed, and all of the other things have to come together to make an incredible photo.

This will be true regardless of whether the photographer is male or female. If they are a professional photographer, they are focused on doing their job and not “checking you out.”

It can be easier to show your sexy side.

Common knowledge is that it can be easier for a person to show their sexier side to a person of the opposite sex because it's familiar to them. At some point in your life, you have flirted and interacted with guys with the goal of attracting their attention. For some, it can be easier to recall those feelings and emotions with a male photographer which in turn helps convey the right emotions in your final boudoir photos.

If you’re comfortable, gender doesn’t matter.

You are about to do one of the most vulnerable things you can.

Think about the number of friends you have. Now think about the number of them that you would be comfortable walking in front of in your underwear for two hours.

The second number is probably considerably smaller right?

When choosing a photographer for your Boudoir Portrait Session, you need to make sure you are comfortable with him or her. If you are uncomfortable, it will show in your photos and no amount of Photoshop can fix that.

Like I said earlier, if they’re professional, gender won’t matter.

A male perspective can be helpful when selecting images.

I firmly believe that the primary purpose of Boudoir Portraits is not, “sexy photos for the significant other.” That being said, it is often the reason that they are taken because it’s an easy justification for doing the session.

On countless occasions, as I am working with a client on selecting her images to fill the album she’ll say, “You’re a guy, what do you think he’ll like?”

Now, you may say, “He’s my husband/boyfriend, I know what he likes” but, we’ll be reviewing a LOT of photos (almost to the point of overwhelming in a good way) so it’s always helpful to have that second opinion there.

Are you ready for an Empowering Boudoir Experience?

You can call/text us at +44 788 152 8990 to book OR email us at

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